About Pictures

I've decided to go back and start marking which entries have pictures posted incase people want to browse. I'm marking the entries with pictures (P), with videos (V), and slideshows (S). Some of the slideshows won't work from this site after I change the title but you can still see the slideshow by clicking on "view all images".

Sunday, January 11

What Day is it Again?

I feel like I'm even busier now then when I was working. Maybe it feels that way because of the lack of a schedule. I can never remember what day it is. Tommy's lack of a schedule doesn't help either. I forget other people actually have to go to work. Being home has certainly been the hardest job I've ever had. Tommy tried to get me to clean up after his big dinner mess because he had already cleaned dishes before he started and then labored for well over an hour making his dead bird (yes the lovely thing still had it's head, with which Tommy even used to pretended to talk to me). I firmly reminded him that while he was doing his thing I cleaned Haylie's poopy pants TWICE, Brady's puke TWICE, played with the kids, gave them both baths and feed them. He cleaned the rest of his pans. Nobody is getting of easy around here. The reward...two kids in bed. In approximately eight more hours and we can start it all over again. OK, now I see my co-workers point...it does feel a bit like the movie Groundhog Day.

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