About Pictures

I've decided to go back and start marking which entries have pictures posted incase people want to browse. I'm marking the entries with pictures (P), with videos (V), and slideshows (S). Some of the slideshows won't work from this site after I change the title but you can still see the slideshow by clicking on "view all images".

Thursday, July 17

I can't believe I did it!

I'm blogging! I've heard so much about it and here I am. I'm really not that old or out of the loop, or am I?!?! I'm sure if anyone reads this, and eventually someone will, they'll think I'm a nerd. OK, perhaps I am too old to use that word. ;o)

So what's up with the title? If I was going to post this blog/web log I wanted to give the title meaning and purpose. I'm not an ultra relgious person but if anything in my life is going to be meaningful and have purpose throughout the years, it will be the one thing that does not change...God.

So welcome and enjoy or go somewhere else! ;o)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, if you are too old ;) then I must be one foot in the grave.

I will have to see how this goes for you. Maybe we will start one too!