About Pictures

I've decided to go back and start marking which entries have pictures posted incase people want to browse. I'm marking the entries with pictures (P), with videos (V), and slideshows (S). Some of the slideshows won't work from this site after I change the title but you can still see the slideshow by clicking on "view all images".

Tuesday, June 30

End Of An Era

It happened today. I went to the Plymouth LTF and there was no trace of me in the computer. Of course it didn't help that my membership card has been missing for about a month and I still don't know what happened to my Drivers ID today. As I was digging through my bag trying to find my ID, they asked my last name, then my address, and finally my phone number. Then it occurs to me they are not trying to verify who I am, there trying to find my membership period. Well then, no magical date, just donzo. I've been a member at Life Time since high school, and not just a member but an ACTIVE member.
Of course I was all pumped to workout AFTER my membership disappeared so I got it in my head I should check out the Snap Fitness down the road. It was the most awkward experience, I didn't know how to act. Most of my time spent in competitors clubs in the last 9 years was spent lying to the people about why I was there. It was almost a confession as soon as I walked in the door. I was antsy as the sales guy talked about the club because, really, I knew everything already. Hell, I could see everything from where I stood! And $40 too! I have a hard time with that because you get so much more at Life Time for about $20 more. Granted, a lot of people never use the other stuff (let alone their memberships period) and it's really a way just to rope people in with the attraction that it's available to them. I, however, did use most of the gym and so I will miss it. There was a day when I thought I would teach aerobics until I couldn't anymore. Not having a membership at LTF was never even a possibility, and yet here I am. I wonder what is going to happen to my body. Will I have enough imagination and motivation to keep it up, especially during the winter?
I can't think about it right now, one day at a time.

1 comment:

ugotbritt85 said...


i really miss you a lot i would like to get together soon. i agree about the whole no more membership thing...its killing me...i am going to start paying before i back track all the way :) love ya and i think about you often.

BRittney Shull