About Pictures

I've decided to go back and start marking which entries have pictures posted incase people want to browse. I'm marking the entries with pictures (P), with videos (V), and slideshows (S). Some of the slideshows won't work from this site after I change the title but you can still see the slideshow by clicking on "view all images".

Wednesday, December 3

No Fear

Psalm 112:1 and 7
1Praise the LORD.
Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.
7He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

I think it was Monday night this week Tommy was up late working on business related paperwork. He never came to bed, he slept downstairs. He seemed deflated most of the next day. I can only imagine what inner struggles he's having and choosing, for whatever reason, not to share. My questions only got small nods and shrugs for answers. I have not been stressed about finances. Ignorance or faith, I'm not sure which is protecting me. Maybe both. ;o)
Today things seem to be better.

1 comment:

Jen said...

The single most common command in the Bible is, "Fear Not". My hunch is that the reason God says "Fear not" so much is NOT that he wants us to be spared emotional discomfort. In fact, usually he says it to get people to do something that is going to lead them into greater fear anyway. I think God says "fear not" so often because fear is the number one reason human beings are tempted to avoid doing what God asks them to do.
Fear is the number on reason why people refuse to get out of the boat. So we need this command all the time. Lloyd Ogilvie notes there are 366 "fear not" verses in the Bible- one for every day of the year , including one for leap year!
quoted from John Ortberg "If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat.

I am so excited for you guys. Katie, I am excited to hear the anticipation in your postings as you wait on the Lord to show you that He is your provider. I'm excited for you too Tommy, whatever is going on in your head right now, I think the Lord has words of encouragement that He is singing over you.
Think of how much you guys love watching Haylie really work at something will all that she has. Doesn't it make you proud! And when she gets stuck, you watch for a little while to see if she can get it. As a parent you have no shame at all in the fact that she isn't a master at what she does. You're just so stinking proud that she is dedicating herself to the task.
My prayer for the two of you is that when the Lord steps in on your efforts, you will feel His encouragement and love. That you won't be too stubborn or proud or fearful to accept what He has for you. He is not ashamed of wherever you are at or who you are. He delights in you.