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Tuesday, May 5

The B Word

In our Crown Financial class we were taking, the term "budget" was not used because of the negative connotations that come with it. We used the term "spending plan". After recording our spending for two fairly normal months, I have come up with a rough draft of our "spending plan". Holy S#*T!! We are truly a two income family. I can shave off a little with, what I would perceive to be, some pretty big changes. Bigger changes that would need to be seen could be selling a car, getting rid of cable and Internet, and selling the house. Actual lifestyle changes. What now? I find it hard to believe that God would somehow make money appear. Even to meet us half way is going to be hard, for us of course, not God. I know that anything is possible through God. It's our behavior and attitudes that make me doubt God would throw money our way. I don't feel that we, either one of us, are very good stewards of what God has already entrusted to us. Why would He then entrust us with more? To top it all off, Tommy's truck broke down near the SD border last night, leaving him stranded. From what Tommy has told me so far, it sounds bad. Tommy does not have a good track record when it comes to trucks, so this is pretty much par for the course. I do trust God's hand is in this. I'm not worried...yet.

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