About Pictures

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Monday, July 13


Tommy's "procedure" went well on Friday and he managed to walk out of the clinic without doing anything awkward, perhaps just a little slower then usual. It's weird to think it's DONE. I think he's enjoyed the attention and the opportunity to share his story with all his curious male friends. Kind of like women's labor stories. I did all I could to let him have his moment and not interject my own comments in comparison to what women go through annually at their OB appointments, not to mention BIRTH. He was back to work today and a little worn out from it all. No horror stories. I'm sure the thought of wild uninhibited sex (with me of course) has helped keep his mind on the prize and not on the current sufferings. ;o)

The story continues...

After our walk tonight Miss Haylie ran in to see dad and I picked up a little out side. When I walked in Haylie ran to me right away and started telling me she'd written with my pen and marker (she tells on herself a lot). In our bedroom I found my bible open and highlighted. I closed the book and shoved her into bed. While I was putting Brady down I started to wonder what it was she highlighted reminding myself that God wastes nothing. It took me a little bit to find it, but find it I did. It was Genesis 17, the covenant of circumcision...where God tells Abraham he will be the father of all nations even though he and his wife are SUPER old. Hummmm...what does that mean?!?! Even though we scientifically ended our chances of having children, IT COULD STILL HAPPEN?!?! Granted, I know there are follow up tests, which we fully intend to do, and there is still protection to be used until they come back "empty", but come on, seriously?!?! What a waste of money it would turn out to be!

It did also say (about circumcision) "whether born in your household OR bought with your money". My whole reason for putting an end to "all this" was because I don't want to be pregnant again. If for some reason an opportunity to adopt a child in the future ever presented itself I would not be completely opposed to the idea. Right now I don't want any more children, but in a few years, who knows. There was a women at church who spoke of a need for child from Peru to find homes. We also met a really neat couple who are missionaries in Mongolia who adopted a girl there in their later years. I don't know if this is how God plants a seed or not but His will be done.

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