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Thursday, August 28
Keeping Record of Wrongs
Though this women and I were never super close, she was a voice of support and accountability for me while I was just beginning to learn what it meant to walk with God. (I'm of course still learning). In the midst of an icky struggle she reminded me that "Love does not keep record of any wrongs" (From 1Corinthians 13). She said that if she didn't confront a person about a grievance she had with them within 24 hours, she would wipe the slate clean, like an etch-a-sketch.
I need to remind myself that if I'm keeping record, creating a list of "charges" against someone, I'm not loving them. Man, it's hard to forgive like God does. I find myself just wanting to hold on. For what purpose, I don't know, all it helps me do is make them feel guilty or defensive. What about repeat offenders? God wants me to keep forgiving them? Wait, take the question mark out of that...God wants me to keep forgiving them. Not easy. But if it were me, I would want forgiveness without strings attached.
So why is it so hard to forgive? Why do I want punishment, the very thing I myself deserve and yet don't want? Is that what love is about? Is it my place to sit in judgement? I know the answers to all those questions and yet I still ask them. I guess all I can do is pray that God give me the same mercy and grace towards others that He gave me and then leave it up to Him. The next question...do I trust Him enough to leave it with Him? What choice to I have. I've already tried and failed my way, again and again...and again. Now who is the repeat offender? ;o)
Monday, August 25
Let the Good Times Roll (P)
Friday, August 22
The Crib (S)
I knew Brady was heavy, but I didn't think he was over 18 pounds!! At his four month appt. he weighed in at 18 lbs. 1 oz. Haylie was 19 lbs. 1 oz. at her one year appt. No wonder I have arms of steel and am always tired at the end of the day! Last weekend my great uncle Jack almost tipped over when I handed Brady to him. My daycare lady has also stopped helping carry Brady to the car in his car seat. I think I've earned a massage, now I just have to find the time!
Brady doesn't get much time to hang out on his back so the other night when Brady was playing in his crib and Haylie wanted to join him, I agreed. *click on "view all images"
Sing, Praise, Proclaim!
Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclaim His salvation day after day.
Often when I'm alone in my car, I will sit in silence and construct a dream house or plan my evening at home. Every once in a while I might grab the phone and try to catch up with someone. Or worse yet, I will dwell on negative thoughts or feelings and make little agreements with Satan in my head. Even though I'm not always in the mood, I can never go wrong by turning on the radio and singing along to praise and worship songs. I remember when I first started going to church I hated the singing portion. It's not because I don't sing well, because I really don't, but it just wasn't natural to me, something I wasn't used to. But after a while I realized that singing songs at church, or anywhere for that matter, really put me in a different mind set. It helped me to focus on God and not all those other things. It helped me to remember His blessings and be thankful for His salvation. I still like to construct dream homes and talk on the phone, but it's good to sing praises to the Lord and hopefully I will learn to do it everyday. Even though it didn't come natural to me, it was what I was made to do.
If anyone else needs a pick me up and you live here in the cities, try KTIS 98.5. They also have an Internet connection on their website (link at bottom of the page).
Saturday, August 16
Thursday, August 14
Enough is enough (P)
Wednesday, August 6
Monday, August 4
When will it slow down? (P)
Haylie and Mommy tubing.
**NOTE**While I was writing this entry I was not thinking, and of course did not mean, that single people are not busy. After posting it and reading it again later, I realized how it sounded. I wondered if others would think I was saying single people without kids aren’t busy, because I know that’s not true. I get exhausted just HEARING about some of my single co-workers busy lives and am grateful I don’t have to keep up with them. It is a different kind of busy though, perhaps more voluntary. So if you will notice I did say “IF”.