About Pictures

I've decided to go back and start marking which entries have pictures posted incase people want to browse. I'm marking the entries with pictures (P), with videos (V), and slideshows (S). Some of the slideshows won't work from this site after I change the title but you can still see the slideshow by clicking on "view all images".

Thursday, September 3

My Mom and Dads Surprise Party (P)

I started planning a combined surprise 60th birthday party for my parents just before I got laid off, sent out the invites end of June and prayed for good weather. Saturday was a TAD bit windy, especially being close to the lake, but it went well. The element of surprise was really in my court since my dad turned 60 in March and my mom doesn't turn 60 until November (so don't tell her she's 60 yet! ;o) I had a TON of help, so grateful I didn't have to do it by myself and it was so nice to see everyone.

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