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Monday, October 6

Facts On Sleep

I get so tired! Ya, I know, we all struggle with getting enough sleep from time to time. If you're a parent, especially a mom, I'm sure it's more then once in a while. I'm not a great sleeper, it's true. I need to have darkness, quiet, comfort and have little to no interruption to have a good nights sleep (does this sound like having the planets a line? ;o). I learned that I need vigorous exercise not only for my waist line, but to sleep well. My husband only needs, well, to have his eyes shut. One of my hugest beefs is with the disregard my husband seems to have for my "problem". He's absolutely right that it's not his fault that I can't sleep, but sometimes I just don't feel like he cares. His alarm will go off in the early morning hours and he will not budge. He'll hit snooze for almost an hour after I force him to get up. His phone alarm will go off in the kitchen and he will not budge. His fire pager will go off and he will not budge. Our kids will scream, OK, he sometimes budges but usually only to wake me up. Why doesn't he budge? He certainly is a better sleeper then most, but I think he is actually sleep deprived as well. Yes, when he closes his eyes, he can fall asleep, but the amount of time he allows for his eyes to shut is pretty limited. Going to bed late, waking up early. In the long run we probably get the same amount of sleep. I try my hardest to get all the sleep I can and he tries his hardest to DO as much as he can. Whats worse is that he will never admit that he's tired and that it could actually be effecting him in any way. So what are the facts? I've done a ton of Internet research, usually when I can't sleep, and it seems that sleep is something that people overlook but is just as important to good health as diet and exercise. In fact I know I read somewhere that when trying to lose weight getting sleep is more important then getting up early to workout. Here's a link to WebMD, just a sampling of some of the info I've found... http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/important-sleep-habits . Not that I want to stress anyone out about not getting enough sleep so that they can't sleep (been there, done that) but I think it's good to know if you don't already. If you know about this stuff already, and still don't get enough sleep, I'll be praying for you too. ;o)

1 comment:

The Roehls said...

This post comes with great timing! I went to bed at a decent hour last night but Matt came to bed too late and was very restless. So restless that all of his tossing and turning woke me up making it hard for me to fall back to sleep. Being a Sunday night, it's a rough start to the week. Needless to say, I was furious. Alleluiah to sleep! I will be sharing this article. Thank you!