About Pictures

I've decided to go back and start marking which entries have pictures posted incase people want to browse. I'm marking the entries with pictures (P), with videos (V), and slideshows (S). Some of the slideshows won't work from this site after I change the title but you can still see the slideshow by clicking on "view all images".

Monday, November 10

Good-Bye Indian Summer, Hello Winter

McConn household signs of winter:
- Saw frozen water outside AKA ice.
- Found space in three car garage for at least my car (yes, the Neon is STILL in there!)
- Achieved pasty Minnesota white.
- Heard first Christmas song on radio, changed stations QUICKLY.
- Saw my breath.
- Finally put on an actual winter jacket.
- Bought plastic for windows.
- Haylie's obsession with birthday is finally validated, I should probably start planning.

At least the days will start to get longer in a little over a month (silver lining, right?!?)

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